Born August 17, 1949 in Hamburg, Germany
Married since 1971 to June Ellen Anderson
U. S. Citizen since March 18, 1980
Children: Nicholas Stephen, born Feb. 18, 1976
------------Seth Andrew, born September 28, 1978
Hobbies: guitar, photography
1973-77 Rice University, Houston, TX
Ph.D. in Religious Studies
Dissertation title: Elements of the Philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel in the Theology of Karl Rahner. Advisor: Niels C. Nielsen, Jr.
1970-73 Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
M.A. in Philosophy of Religion
Thesis title: Existential Causality in the Cosmological Argument. Advisor: Norman L. Geisler.
1966-70 University of Maryland, College Park, MD
B.S. in Zoology
1963-66 Walter Johnson High School, Rockville, MD
1960-63 Friedrich Ebert Gymnasium, Bonn, Germany
1956-60 Paul Gerhard Schule, Bonn, Germany
- Graduated magna cum laude from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Rice University Fellowship, 1973-76
- 1985 Taylor University Distinguished Professor of the Year.
- Listed in Who's Who in Religion, 3rd ed. (Chicago: Marquis, 1985), 69.
- 1998 Taylor University Distinguished Professor of the Year.
- 2006 Franklin W. & Joan M. Forman Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award.
Part time: Adjunct Professor of World Religions, Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Murietta Springs, CA.
July, 2010.
Retired on Disability
1987-2008 Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University
1981-87 Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University
1977-81 Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University
---------------------2006, Visiting Adjunct Professor at Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, NY.
---------------------2003, 2005 Adjunct Professor of World Religions at Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC.
---------------------1996-2003 Associate Dean and Director of General Studies, Taylor University
---------------------1999 Visiting Lecturer at the Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, KY.
---------------------1985,87,89, 92, 94 Adjunct Faculty, Indiana University-Kokomo, Kokomo, IN.
---------------------1994 Adjunct Faculty, Ball State University, Grissom Air Force Base.
---------------------1990 Adjunct Faculty, Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN.
1976-77 Substitute teacher, Huron Valley School System, Milford, MI.
1973-76 Rice University Fellow in Religious Studies, Rice University, Houston, TX
1970 Instructor in Biology, Trinity College, Deerfield, IL (part-time, spring semester)
- Handmaid to Theology: An Essay in Philosophical Prolegomena. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1981.
- Philosophy of Religion, 2nd ed., coauthored with Norman L. Geisler. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1988.
Mysticism: An Evangelical Option?. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1991.
Reasonable Faith: Basic Christian Apologetics. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1993. Subsequently also
issued as paperback: No Doubt About It: The Case for Christianity. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1997.
Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. Downers Gove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Shepherd's Notes: I and II Chronicles. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998.
E-book: Islam: A Christian Introduction. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002. Downloadable from InterVarsity Press.
A Tapestry of Faiths: Common Threads Among the World's Religions. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2002.
Holman Old Testament Commentary: 1 and 2 Chronicles Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2004.
Pocketguide to World Religions Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2006.
- "Hegel in Rahner: A Study in Philosophical Hermeneutics." Harvard Theological Review 71 (1978):285-298.
- "Hegelian Themes in Contemporary Theology." Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society [hereafter JETS]
22 (1979): 351-361.
- "Transcendentalism: Hegel." Biblical Errancy: An Analysis of Its Phlosophical Roots. Ed. by Norman L. Geisler.
Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981. Pp. 79-101.
- "White tea" (fiction). The Mystery Nook 13. (July 1981).
- "Schleiermacher's Test for Truth: Dialogue in the Church." JETS 26 (1983): 52-53.
- "Philosophical Presuppositions Affecting Biblical Hermeneutics." Hermeneutics, Inerrancy, and the Bible. Ed. by Earl D.
Radmacher and Robert D. Preuss. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984. Pp. 495-513.
- "The Dalai Lama and I: A Case for Natural Theology." Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society [hereafter
BEPS] 6 (1983): 1-12.
- "Variations on a Theme by Hegel: The Transcendental Argument for God." BEPS 7 (1984): 44-48.
- "Children of Truth." Fundamentalist Journal 5/2 (February 1986): 13-15.
- "Humility and Commitment: An Approach to Modern Hermeneutics." Themelios 11 (April 1986): 83-88.
- "In Defense of Kant." BEPS 8 (1985): 1-10.
- "The Middle East: Faiths in Conflict." Taylor Magazine 23,3 (Spring, 1989): 29-31.
- "Islam: Religion und Ideologie" Neues Leben 36,4 (April, 1991): 18-19.
- "Meister Eckhart and the Paradox of Good Works" BEPS 14,1 (1991): 1-14. Also in Paul House, ed., The Whole
Counsel of God: Essays in Honor of E. Herbert Nygren. Upland, IN: Taylor University Press, 1991. Pp. 157-71.
- "The Gospel According to Margaret" JETS 35, 4 (December, 1992): 515-30.
- "Daze of our Lives" Taylor Magazine 85,1 (December, 1992), 12-13.
- "A Hair's Breadth from Pantheism: Meister Eckhart's God-Centered Spirituality" JETS 37, 2 (June 1994), 263-274.
- "Recognizing a Miracle" in R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas, eds., In Defense of Miracles. Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity, 1997. Pp. 99-111.
- "The Date of Zoroaster: Some Apologetic considerations" Presbyterion 23 (Spring 1997):25-42.
- "Ambivalent Truth: A Response to Lesslie Newbigin." Philosophia Christi [formerly BEPS] 20,1 (Spring, 1997),
- "Defend Your Faith" New Man 5(July/August, 1998), 40-45.
- "Buddha, Shiva, and Muhammad: Theistic Faith in other Religions?" The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 2
(Summer, 1998), 40-49.
Also published in Paul House and Greg Thornbury, ed., Who Will Be Saved: Defending the Biblical Understanding of God.
Carol Stream, IL:Crossway, 2000. Pp. 129-43.
- "General Revelation in World Religions" Journal of Christian Apologetics 1,2 (Winter, 1997), 59-72.
- "Why I Believe the Bible Alone is the Word of God" in Norman L. Geisler and Paul K. Hoffman, ed., Why I Am a Christian.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2001, 182-201.
- "Reason in Mysticism: Three Beguines, Three Views" Philosophia Christi Series 2, 3,1 (2001), 199-215.
"On Recognizing a Miracle (Response to Fales)" Philosophia Christi Series 2, 3,1(2001), 45-46.
"The (True/False) Origin of (True/False) Religion" Areopagus Journal 2/3 (July 2002):6-11.
"Miracles" in Francis J. Beckwith , William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland, eds. To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian
World View Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 2004, 160-79.
"God in the Early Twenty-first Century: Ayodhya as Case Study." Christian Scholar's Review 34,2(Winter 2005):167-85.
- “Congenial Pluralism: Why It Does Not Work” Midwestern Journal of Theology 3/2 (Spring 2005):34-48.
- "Are All Religions the Same at Their Core?" Christian Research Journal 28,2(2005):10-11.
- "Jesus: The Avatar I Never Knew" Christian Apologetics Journal 4,2 (Fall 2005):29-44.
- “Theology built on Vapors: The Rise and Diffusion of Postliberal Theology" Knowing and Doing (Publication of the C. S. Lewis Institute), Fall 2007: 4-7, 21-27.
- "How Does Christianity Relate to Other Eastern Religions?" The Apologetics Study Bible, ed. by Ted Cabal (Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2007), pp. 1270-71.
- "The Cosmological Argument" in Norman L. Geisler and Chad V. Meister, eds., Reasons for Faith: Making a Case for the Christian Faith (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2007), 201-19.
"Where is the Problem? Miracles and their Omniscient Critics" Areopagus Journal 8/2(March/April 2008):14-20.
- "Divine Sovereignty and Creation" Testamentum Imperium, vol. 2, April 2009; Online URL:
- George Edgin Pugh, The Biological Origin of Human Values. In Christianity Today. Sept. 22, 1978.
- Paul Weiss, First Considerations. In Christianity Today. Feb. 16, 1979.
- David Lewis Schaefer, Justice or Tyranny? In Christianity Today. Oct. 19, 1979.
- Stephen A. Grunland and Marvin K. Mayers, Cultural, Anthropology: A Christian Perspective. In JETS 23
- Jerry Gill, On Knowing God: New Directions for the Future of Theology. In Trinity Journal 3,1 (1982):119-122.
- Mark P. Cosgrove, B.F. Skinner's Behaviorism: An Analysis. "Faculty Book Review." Printed by Taylor University,
- William Hasker, Metaphysics: Constructing a World View. In Eternity (April, 1984):52-53.
- Colin Brown, Miracles and the Modern Mind. In Themelios 10 (January, 1985):40.
- Arthur Holmes, Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions. In Themelios 11 (January, 1986): 69-70.
- Harold H. Oliver, Relatedness: Essays in Metaphysics and Theology. In JETS 28 (1985):
- Michael Eugene Wentz, The Contemplation of Otherness: The Critical Vision of Religion. In JETS 29,3
(September, 1986):346.
- Anthony Campolo, Partly Right. In Christian Scholar's Review [hereafter: CSR]14,2 (January,
- Joseph C. O'Leary, Questioning Back: The Overcoming of Metaphysics in Christian Tradition. In JETS 30,3
(September, 1987):343-4.
- Kenneth Kramer, World Scriptures: An Introduction to Comparative Religions. In JETS 31,1 (March, 1988):105.
- Charles Wei-hsun and Gerhard E. Spiegler, Movements and Issues
in World Religions: A Sourcebook and Analysis of Developments
Since 1945 -and of Dean William Ferm,
Third World Liberation Theologies: A Reader. In JETS 31,2 (June, 1988):244-46.
- Richard Viladesau, Answering for Faith: Christ and the Human Search for Salvation. In JETS 31,4 (December,
1988): 491-92.
- Ronald M. Green, Religion and Moral Reason: A New Method for Comparative Study. In JETS 32,4
- William C. Placher, Unapologetic Theology: A Christian Voice in a Pluralistic Conversation. In JETS, 34,3
(Septermber, 1991):400-401.
- Bruce B. Lawrence, Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt Against the Modern Age. In CSR 21,2
(December, 1991):201-202.
- John M. Frame, Apologetics to the Glory of God. In Trinity Journal 16,1 (Spring, 1995):127-32.
- William L. Craig, Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics. In Trinity Journal 16,2 (Fall, 1995):245-48.
- Alan G. Padgett, ed., Reason and the Christian Religion: Essays in Honour of Richard Swinburn. In CSR 26,1
(Fall 1996):104-05.
- Colin Howson, Logic with Trees: An Introduction to Symbolic Logic. In Teaching Philosophy 21,4
- Curtis L. Hancock and Brendan Sweetman, Truth and Religious Belief. In Teaching Philosophy
- Peter Vardy, The Puzzle of God. In Teaching Philosophy 23,1(2000):80-82.
- Richard Swinburne, Providence and the Problem of Evil. In Teaching Philosophy 23,4(2000):387-390.
- Philip L. Quinn and Kevin Meeker, eds., The Philosophical Challenge of Religious Diversity. In Teaching
Philosophy 24,3 (2001):290-292.
- Christopher Little,The Revelation of God Among the Unevangelized. In Evangelical Missions Quarterly 38,3
Michael Martin, Atheism, Morality, and Meaning. In Teaching Philosophy 26,4 (2003): 388-90
- Russ Shafer-Landau, Whatever Happened to Good and Evil?. In Teaching Philosophy 27,4(2004): 391-92.
- Ida Glaser, The Bible and Other Faiths : Christian Responsibility in the World of Religions. (Christian Doctrine in Global Perspective). In Christian Apologetics Journal. 5(Fall 2006):141-144.
- Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Ed. by Walter Elwell. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1984 and second, revised edition,
- "Maritain, Jacques"
"Rahner, Karl"
"Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre"
"Via Analogia"
"Via Media"
"Via Negativa"
Dictionary of Christianity in America. Ed. by Daniel G. Reid. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1990.
- "Apostasy"
"Dogma, Dogmatic Theology"
"Fundamental Theology"
"Mysticism, Christian"
"Natural Law"
"Philosophical Theology"
"Society of St. John the Evangelist"
"Spiritual Director"
"Stations of the Cross"
Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World. Ed. by Steve Carter and Douglas Groothuis. Leicester,
England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2002
- "Confucianism"
"Native American Religion"
New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics Ed. by Campbell Campbell-Jack and Gavin J. McGrath. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.
- "Kant, Immanuel"
- "Mystery"
- "Religious Language." Cassette recorded for Quest Tapes, Contemporary Evangelical Philosophers Series (CEP-6),
Dallas, TX.
- Stille Zeit. Devotionals published by Neues Leben
- From Feb. 16-Mar. 19, 1987. Exposition of I Samuel.
From Feb. 12-25, 1988. Exposition of I Kings.
From June 13-30, 1988. Exposition of Jeremiah.
From Sep. 3-30, 1988. Exposition of Jeremiah.
From Apr. 17-27, 1989. Exposition of Daniel.
From June 6-21, 1990. Exposition of I Chronicles
From Sept. 6-18, 1990. Exposition of Amos.
From Oct. 28 - Nov. 21, 1991. Exposition of Job.
From Feb. 6 - Mar. 3, 1992, Exposition of Exodus.
- "How We Make Ethical Decisions" 50-minute videotape. Series: Lifegrow Lessons. Indiana Wesleyan University.
- December 26-28, 1974, Evangelical Theological Society (hereafter: ETS), Dallas, TX.
Paper: "Hegelian Themes in Contemporary Theology."
- April 15, 1977, Trinity Philosophy of Religion Conference, Deerfield, IL
Paper: "Supper is Served: Hegel's Response to Goeschel"
- April 21-22, 1978, Evangelical Theological Society - Midwestern Section (hereafter: ETS-MW), Wheaton, IL. Paper:
"Anthropology and Christology in Karl Rahner."
- April 20-21, 1979, ETS-MW, Deerfield, IL.
Paper: "Schleiermacher's Test for Truth: Dialogue in the Church.?
- March 27-28, 1981, ETS-MW, Chicago, IL.
Paper: "Moderate Catholicism: Justification in Michael Schmaus."
- March 26-27, 1982, ETS-MW, Chicago, IL.
Paper: "Inductive Logic: The Methodology of Biblical Theology."
- October 21-23, 1982, Wheaton Philosophy Conference.
Paper: "An Optimistic Response to Professor Thiselton."
- November 10-13, 1982, International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, Summit II, Chicago, IL.
Paper: "Philosophical Presuppositions Affecting Biblical Hermeneutics."
- December 16-18, 1982, ETS, Essex Fells, NJ.
Panel moderator: "The Word of God and the Mind of Man."
--and-- Panel member: "Where are we today concerning biblical criticism and
the evangelical?"
- April 8, 1983, Trinity Philosophy of Religion Conference, Deerfield, Il.
"The Dalai Lama and I: A Case for Natural Theology."
- April 15-16, 1983, ETS-MW, Upland, IN.
Chair's address: "Saying Yes to Reality: Interaction with Hans Kueng's Proposal."
- March 8-10, 1984, Society of Christian Philosophers, South Bend, IN.
Paper: "Variations on a Theme by Hegel: The Transcendental Argument for God."
- April 6-7, 1984. ETS-MW, Deerfield, IL.
Paper: "Athens or Vienna: A Question on Thiselton's Hermeneutics."
- Dec. 11-13, 1984. Evangelical Philosophical Society (hereafter: EPS). Chicago, IL.
Paper: "Variations on a Theme by Hegel: The Transcendental Argument for God."
- Nov. 20-22, 1985. EPS. Los Angeles, CA. Presidential Address: "In Defense of Kant."
- Dec. 3-5, 1987. EPS. South Hamilton, MA. Paper: "Mysticism: Some Tentative Conclusions."
- Apr. 8-9, 1988. ETS-MW, Upland, IN
Paper: "Mysticism: Is There a Pernennial Philosophy?"
- Apr. 6-7, 1990. Society of Christian Philosophers, Eastern Region. Miami, FL. Paper: "Mysticism and the Argument from
- Nov. 14-17, 1990. EPS. New Orleans, LA. Paper: "Meister Eckhart and the Paradox of Good Works."
- Nov. 19-21, 1992. EPS. San Francisco, CA. Paper: "A Hair's Breadth from Pantheism: In Defense of Christian Mysticism."
- Nov. 18-20, 1993. EPS. Washington, DC. Paper: "Reason in Three Beguines."
- March, 1994. ETS-MW. Wheaton, IL. Paper: "Truth Fraud: Response to Lesslie Newbigin."
- Mar. 16-18, 1995. ETS-MW. St. Paul, MN. Paper: "God as Cow: Meister Eckhart's Reflections on Theological Method."
- Nov. 16-18, 1995. EPS. Philadelphia, PA. Paper: "The Date of Zarathustra."
- Mar. 22-23, 1996. ETS-MW. Fort Wayne, IN. Chair's Address: "Three Glimpses of God."
- Nov. 21-23, 1996. ETS. Jackson, MS. Paper: "God in Us: Meister Eckhart and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit."
- Nov. 20-22, 1997. ETS. Santa Clara, CA. Paper: "General Revelation in World Religions."
- Mar. 20-21, 1998. ETS-MW. Grand Rapids, MI. Paper: "Asking the Right Questions about Religious Inclusivism."
- Nov. 19-21, 1998. ETS and EPS, Orlando, FL. Papers: "Appearances are Deceiving: Medieval Mysticism and Asian Mysticism"
--and-- "Teaching World Religions: Strategies and Pitfalls."
- Nov. 17-19, 1999 ETS, Boston, MA. Papers: "On Maintaining the Value of Pi: What Evangelicals Can Contribute to
Interreligious Interaction"
--and-- "When He Comes: Messiahs in Other Religions."
- Nov. 15-17, 2000. Society for the Study of Alternative Religions, meeting with ETS, Nashville, TN. Paper: "How Many Christs?
A Modal Analysis."
- Mar. 23-24, 2001. ETS-MW, Winona Lake, IN. Paper: "Hare Jesus? Making Worship Christian"
- Nov. 14-16, 2001. Society for the Study of Alternative Religions, meeting with ETS, Colorado Spring, CO. Paper: "The Bible and
Other Scriptures: Fundamental Incompatibility."
- February 21-23, 2002. Evangelical Ministries to new Religions, Louisville, KY. Paper: "Breaking Down Categories: Soka Gakkai
as Case Study."
- March 22-23, 2002. ETS-MW. Paper: "God in the Early Twenty-first Century: A Preliminary Status Report."
November 20-22, 2002. Society for the Study of Alternative Religions, meeting with ETS, Toronto, Canada. Paper: "Bashful
Pluralism: Why it does not help."
January 24, 2003. Evangelical Ministries to new Religions, LaMirada, CA. Paper: "God in the Early Twenty-first Century: Ayodhya
as Test Case."
February 21, 2003. Fort Wayne Area Dean's Conference, Fort Wayne, IN. Paper with Nicholas S. Corduan: "For the Meaning of Life
Click Here."
- Nov. 21-23, 2003. ETS. Atlanta, GA. Paper: "Jesus, the Avatar I Never Knew."
- Nov. 17-19, 2004. ETS. San Antonio, TX. Paper: "Strategic Ambiguity: Truth in the Bhagavad Gita."
- Nov. 16-18, 2005. ETS. Valley Forge, PA. Paper: "Beyond Karma: Sin in Hinduism."
--and-- joint paper with Jim Spiegel: "Humility in Christianity and Islam."
- June 9-10, 2006. International Society of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: ISCA). Charlotte, NC. Founding meeting of this new organization. Was elected webmaster and editor of the on-line journal. Paper: "Words for Grace in Hinduism."
- July 28-29. "No Other Gods" Conference." Resource Center for Theological Research and Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Middletown, PA. Presentations: "Hindu Temple Worship" and "The Elusive Identity of the Buddha."
- Nov. 15-17, 2006. ETS. Washington, D.C Paper: "Diwali: The White House's Gift to the Hindu Community."
- June 2-3, 2007. ISCA. Kansas City, MO. Plenary Paper: In the Beginning: Ethnology and Original Monotheism."
- January 8, 2008. Indiana Wesleyan University Mid-year Retreat. Presentation: "Apologetics in the Twenty-first Century: What Must be Changed and What May not be Changed."
- May 8-11, 2008. Jackson, Tenessee. Plenary Paper: Words and Meanings: Can Hindu Concepts Address Western Questions?
- May 30, 2008. American College of Sports Medicine.Christian Fellowship Subsection. Presentation: "The Uniqueness of Christianity."
- June, 2008, ISCA. Lynchburg Virginia. Plenary Address: "Being, Non-being, and God: Christian Apologetics and Hindu Philosophy.
- March, 2009, ISCA. Chicago. Presidential Address: "God as Cow: A Third Look at Bovine Theology and Atheology."
Bible Literature Courses
- Bible Literature I--Old Testatment Survey
- Bible Literature II--New Testament Survey
Theology Courses
- Historic Christian Belief
- Special Topics: Recent Theology
- Special Topics: The Church
- Special Topics: Readings in Religious History
- Special Topics: Christianity and Religious Pluralism
Philosophy Courses
- Introduction to Philosophy
- History of Philosophy (single, two-course, and four-course sequence)
- Logic
- Ethics
- Metaphysics
- Contemporary Christian Belief (Apologetics)
- Religions of the World--Western Traditions
- Religions of the World--Eastern Traditions
- Special Topics: Mysticism
- Special Topics: Existentialism
- Special Topics: Theories of Truth
- International Society of Christian Apologetics, 2006-
---Offices held
-------------Webmaster, 2006-
-------------President, 2008-
- American Philosophical Association, 1977-2005
- Society of Christian Philosophers, 1981-
- Evangelical Theological Society, 1977-
---Offices held in the midwestern section:
--------Secretary/Treasurer, 1980-81.
--------Vicechair, 1981-82; 1994-95.
--------Chair, 1982-83; 1995-96.
- Evangelical Philosophical Society
--------Secretary/Treasurer, 1982-83.
--------Vicepresident, 1983-84
--------President, 1984-85.
- 1996-2003 Curriculum Management Committee
- 1987-90 Faculty Personnel Committee (Chair, 1988-90)
- 1985-86 Subcommittee on Contingency Planning
- 1985-86 Task Force on Academic Restructuring
- 1983-86 Educational Policies Committee (Chair, 1984-86)
- 1983-86 Subcommittee on General Education
- 1983-84 Committee for Action on General Education
- 1980-82 Faculty Personnel Committee
- 1978-81 Faculty Development Team
- 1978-80 Spiritual Life Committee
- 1993-present Ministry of pulpit supply and music.
- 1991-93 Pastor, Gilead Church, Pennville, IN
- 1984-91 Ministry of pulpit supply and musical ministry (partially through Taylor Christian Artists)
- 1981-84 Pastor, Union Chapel Community Church, Summitville, IN, ordained October, 1981