Phone: 765-724-2098

Born August 17, 1949 in Hamburg, Germany
Married since 1971 to June Ellen Anderson
U. S. Citizen since March 18, 1980
Children: Nicholas Stephen, born Feb. 18, 1976
------------Seth Andrew, born September 28, 1978
Hobbies: guitar, photography

1973-77 Rice University, Houston, TX
Ph.D. in Religious Studies
Dissertation title: Elements of the Philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel in the Theology of Karl Rahner.
Advisor: Niels C. Nielsen, Jr.

1970-73 Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL
M.A. in Philosophy of Religion
Thesis title: Existential Causality in the Cosmological Argument.
Advisor: Norman L. Geisler.

1966-70 University of Maryland, College Park, MD
B.S. in Zoology

1963-66 Walter Johnson High School, Rockville, MD
1960-63 Friedrich Ebert Gymnasium, Bonn, Germany
1956-60 Paul Gerhard Schule, Bonn, Germany

  • Graduated magna cum laude from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • Rice University Fellowship, 1973-76
  • 1985 Taylor University Distinguished Professor of the Year.
  • Listed in Who's Who in Religion, 3rd ed. (Chicago: Marquis, 1985), 69.
  • 1998 Taylor University Distinguished Professor of the Year.
  • 2006 Franklin W. & Joan M. Forman Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award.

Part time: Adjunct Professor of World Religions, Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Murietta Springs, CA. July, 2010.
Retired on Disability
1987-2008 Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University
1981-87 Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University
1977-81 Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University
---------------------2006, Visiting Adjunct Professor at Alliance Theological Seminary, Nyack, NY.
---------------------2003, 2005 Adjunct Professor of World Religions at Southern Evangelical Seminary, Charlotte, NC.
---------------------1996-2003 Associate Dean and Director of General Studies, Taylor University
---------------------1999 Visiting Lecturer at the Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, KY.
---------------------1985,87,89, 92, 94 Adjunct Faculty, Indiana University-Kokomo, Kokomo, IN.
---------------------1994 Adjunct Faculty, Ball State University, Grissom Air Force Base.
---------------------1990 Adjunct Faculty, Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN.
1976-77 Substitute teacher, Huron Valley School System, Milford, MI.
1973-76 Rice University Fellow in Religious Studies, Rice University, Houston, TX
1970 Instructor in Biology, Trinity College, Deerfield, IL (part-time, spring semester)

  • Handmaid to Theology: An Essay in Philosophical Prolegomena. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1981.
  • Philosophy of Religion, 2nd ed., coauthored with Norman L. Geisler. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1988.
  • Mysticism: An Evangelical Option?. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1991.
  • Reasonable Faith: Basic Christian Apologetics. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1993. Subsequently also issued as paperback: No Doubt About It: The Case for Christianity. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1997.
  • Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. Downers Gove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
  • Shepherd's Notes: I and II Chronicles. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998.
  • E-book: Islam: A Christian Introduction. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002. Downloadable from InterVarsity Press.
  • A Tapestry of Faiths: Common Threads Among the World's Religions. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2002.
  • Holman Old Testament Commentary: 1 and 2 Chronicles Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2004.
  • Pocketguide to World Religions Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2006.

  • "Hegel in Rahner: A Study in Philosophical Hermeneutics." Harvard Theological Review 71 (1978):285-298.
  • "Hegelian Themes in Contemporary Theology." Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society [hereafter JETS] 22 (1979): 351-361.
  • "Transcendentalism: Hegel." Biblical Errancy: An Analysis of Its Phlosophical Roots. Ed. by Norman L. Geisler. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981. Pp. 79-101.
  • "White tea" (fiction). The Mystery Nook 13. (July 1981).
  • "Schleiermacher's Test for Truth: Dialogue in the Church." JETS 26 (1983): 52-53.
  • "Philosophical Presuppositions Affecting Biblical Hermeneutics." Hermeneutics, Inerrancy, and the Bible. Ed. by Earl D. Radmacher and Robert D. Preuss. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984. Pp. 495-513.
  • "The Dalai Lama and I: A Case for Natural Theology." Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society [hereafter BEPS] 6 (1983): 1-12.
  • "Variations on a Theme by Hegel: The Transcendental Argument for God." BEPS 7 (1984): 44-48.
  • "Children of Truth." Fundamentalist Journal 5/2 (February 1986): 13-15.
  • "Humility and Commitment: An Approach to Modern Hermeneutics." Themelios 11 (April 1986): 83-88.
  • "In Defense of Kant." BEPS 8 (1985): 1-10.
  • "The Middle East: Faiths in Conflict." Taylor Magazine 23,3 (Spring, 1989): 29-31.
  • "Islam: Religion und Ideologie" Neues Leben 36,4 (April, 1991): 18-19.
  • "Meister Eckhart and the Paradox of Good Works" BEPS 14,1 (1991): 1-14. Also in Paul House, ed., The Whole Counsel of God: Essays in Honor of E. Herbert Nygren. Upland, IN: Taylor University Press, 1991. Pp. 157-71.
  • "The Gospel According to Margaret" JETS 35, 4 (December, 1992): 515-30.
  • "Daze of our Lives" Taylor Magazine 85,1 (December, 1992), 12-13.
  • "A Hair's Breadth from Pantheism: Meister Eckhart's God-Centered Spirituality" JETS 37, 2 (June 1994), 263-274.
  • "Recognizing a Miracle" in R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas, eds., In Defense of Miracles. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1997. Pp. 99-111.
  • "The Date of Zoroaster: Some Apologetic considerations" Presbyterion 23 (Spring 1997):25-42.
  • "Ambivalent Truth: A Response to Lesslie Newbigin." Philosophia Christi [formerly BEPS] 20,1 (Spring, 1997), 29-40.
  • "Defend Your Faith" New Man 5(July/August, 1998), 40-45.
  • "Buddha, Shiva, and Muhammad: Theistic Faith in other Religions?" The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 2 (Summer, 1998), 40-49. Also published in Paul House and Greg Thornbury, ed., Who Will Be Saved: Defending the Biblical Understanding of God. Carol Stream, IL:Crossway, 2000. Pp. 129-43.
  • "General Revelation in World Religions" Journal of Christian Apologetics 1,2 (Winter, 1997), 59-72.
  • "Why I Believe the Bible Alone is the Word of God" in Norman L. Geisler and Paul K. Hoffman, ed., Why I Am a Christian. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2001, 182-201.
  • "Reason in Mysticism: Three Beguines, Three Views" Philosophia Christi Series 2, 3,1 (2001), 199-215.
  • "On Recognizing a Miracle (Response to Fales)" Philosophia Christi Series 2, 3,1(2001), 45-46.
  • "The (True/False) Origin of (True/False) Religion" Areopagus Journal 2/3 (July 2002):6-11.
  • "Miracles" in Francis J. Beckwith , William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland, eds. To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian World View Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 2004, 160-79.
  • "God in the Early Twenty-first Century: Ayodhya as Case Study." Christian Scholar's Review 34,2(Winter 2005):167-85.
  • “Congenial Pluralism: Why It Does Not Work” Midwestern Journal of Theology 3/2 (Spring 2005):34-48.
  • "Are All Religions the Same at Their Core?" Christian Research Journal 28,2(2005):10-11.
  • "Jesus: The Avatar I Never Knew" Christian Apologetics Journal 4,2 (Fall 2005):29-44.
  • “Theology built on Vapors: The Rise and Diffusion of Postliberal Theology" Knowing and Doing (Publication of the C. S. Lewis Institute), Fall 2007: 4-7, 21-27.
  • "How Does Christianity Relate to Other Eastern Religions?" The Apologetics Study Bible, ed. by Ted Cabal (Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 2007), pp. 1270-71.
  • "The Cosmological Argument" in Norman L. Geisler and Chad V. Meister, eds., Reasons for Faith: Making a Case for the Christian Faith (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2007), 201-19.
  • "Where is the Problem? Miracles and their Omniscient Critics" Areopagus Journal 8/2(March/April 2008):14-20.
  • "Divine Sovereignty and Creation" Testamentum Imperium, vol. 2, April 2009; Online URL:

  • George Edgin Pugh, The Biological Origin of Human Values. In Christianity Today. Sept. 22, 1978.
  • Paul Weiss, First Considerations. In Christianity Today. Feb. 16, 1979.
  • David Lewis Schaefer, Justice or Tyranny? In Christianity Today. Oct. 19, 1979.
  • Stephen A. Grunland and Marvin K. Mayers, Cultural, Anthropology: A Christian Perspective. In JETS 23 (1980):343.
  • Jerry Gill, On Knowing God: New Directions for the Future of Theology. In Trinity Journal 3,1 (1982):119-122.
  • Mark P. Cosgrove, B.F. Skinner's Behaviorism: An Analysis. "Faculty Book Review." Printed by Taylor University, 1983.
  • William Hasker, Metaphysics: Constructing a World View. In Eternity (April, 1984):52-53.
  • Colin Brown, Miracles and the Modern Mind. In Themelios 10 (January, 1985):40.
  • Arthur Holmes, Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions. In Themelios 11 (January, 1986): 69-70.
  • Harold H. Oliver, Relatedness: Essays in Metaphysics and Theology. In JETS 28 (1985): 364.
  • Michael Eugene Wentz, The Contemplation of Otherness: The Critical Vision of Religion. In JETS 29,3 (September, 1986):346.
  • Anthony Campolo, Partly Right. In Christian Scholar's Review [hereafter: CSR]14,2 (January, 1987):187-88.
  • Joseph C. O'Leary, Questioning Back: The Overcoming of Metaphysics in Christian Tradition. In JETS 30,3 (September, 1987):343-4.
  • Kenneth Kramer, World Scriptures: An Introduction to Comparative Religions. In JETS 31,1 (March, 1988):105.
  • Charles Wei-hsun and Gerhard E. Spiegler, Movements and Issues in World Religions: A Sourcebook and Analysis of Developments Since 1945 -and of Dean William Ferm, Third World Liberation Theologies: A Reader. In JETS 31,2 (June, 1988):244-46.
  • Richard Viladesau, Answering for Faith: Christ and the Human Search for Salvation. In JETS 31,4 (December, 1988): 491-92.
  • Ronald M. Green, Religion and Moral Reason: A New Method for Comparative Study. In JETS 32,4 (December,,1989):568-69.
  • William C. Placher, Unapologetic Theology: A Christian Voice in a Pluralistic Conversation. In JETS, 34,3 (Septermber, 1991):400-401.
  • Bruce B. Lawrence, Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt Against the Modern Age. In CSR 21,2 (December, 1991):201-202.
  • John M. Frame, Apologetics to the Glory of God. In Trinity Journal 16,1 (Spring, 1995):127-32.
  • William L. Craig, Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics. In Trinity Journal 16,2 (Fall, 1995):245-48.
  • Alan G. Padgett, ed., Reason and the Christian Religion: Essays in Honour of Richard Swinburn. In CSR 26,1 (Fall 1996):104-05.
  • Colin Howson, Logic with Trees: An Introduction to Symbolic Logic. In Teaching Philosophy 21,4 (1998),423-425.
  • Curtis L. Hancock and Brendan Sweetman, Truth and Religious Belief. In Teaching Philosophy 22,4(1999):408-411.
  • Peter Vardy, The Puzzle of God. In Teaching Philosophy 23,1(2000):80-82.
  • Richard Swinburne, Providence and the Problem of Evil. In Teaching Philosophy 23,4(2000):387-390.
  • Philip L. Quinn and Kevin Meeker, eds., The Philosophical Challenge of Religious Diversity. In Teaching Philosophy 24,3 (2001):290-292.
  • Christopher Little,The Revelation of God Among the Unevangelized. In Evangelical Missions Quarterly 38,3 (2002):376-78.
  • Michael Martin, Atheism, Morality, and Meaning. In Teaching Philosophy 26,4 (2003): 388-90
  • Russ Shafer-Landau, Whatever Happened to Good and Evil?. In Teaching Philosophy 27,4(2004): 391-92.
  • Ida Glaser, The Bible and Other Faiths : Christian Responsibility in the World of Religions. (Christian Doctrine in Global Perspective). In Christian Apologetics Journal. 5(Fall 2006):141-144.

  • Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Ed. by Walter Elwell. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1984 and second, revised edition, 2001.
    • "Maritain, Jacques"
    • "Neo-Thomism"
    • "Rahner, Karl"
    • "Reason"
    • "Thomism"
    • "Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre"
    • "Via Analogia"
    • "Via Media"
    • "Via Negativa"
  • Dictionary of Christianity in America. Ed. by Daniel G. Reid. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1990.

    • "Apostasy"
    • "Carmelites"
    • "Dogma, Dogmatic Theology"
    • "Fundamental Theology"
    • "Mysticism, Christian"
    • "Natural Law"
    • "Neo-Thomism"
    • "Orthodoxy"
    • "Philosophical Theology"
    • "Society of St. John the Evangelist"
    • "Spiritual Director"
    • "Stations of the Cross"
  • Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World. Ed. by Steve Carter and Douglas Groothuis. Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2002

    • "Confucianism"
    • "Native American Religion"
  • New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics Ed. by Campbell Campbell-Jack and Gavin J. McGrath. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.

    • "Kant, Immanuel"
    • "Mystery"

  • "Religious Language." Cassette recorded for Quest Tapes, Contemporary Evangelical Philosophers Series (CEP-6), Dallas, TX.
  • Stille Zeit. Devotionals published by Neues Leben
    • From Feb. 16-Mar. 19, 1987. Exposition of I Samuel.
    • From Feb. 12-25, 1988. Exposition of I Kings.
    • From June 13-30, 1988. Exposition of Jeremiah.
    • From Sep. 3-30, 1988. Exposition of Jeremiah.
    • From Apr. 17-27, 1989. Exposition of Daniel.
    • From June 6-21, 1990. Exposition of I Chronicles
    • From Sept. 6-18, 1990. Exposition of Amos.
    • From Oct. 28 - Nov. 21, 1991. Exposition of Job.
    • From Feb. 6 - Mar. 3, 1992, Exposition of Exodus.
  • "How We Make Ethical Decisions" 50-minute videotape. Series: Lifegrow Lessons. Indiana Wesleyan University.

  • December 26-28, 1974, Evangelical Theological Society (hereafter: ETS), Dallas, TX. Paper: "Hegelian Themes in Contemporary Theology."
  • April 15, 1977, Trinity Philosophy of Religion Conference, Deerfield, IL Paper: "Supper is Served: Hegel's Response to Goeschel"
  • April 21-22, 1978, Evangelical Theological Society - Midwestern Section (hereafter: ETS-MW), Wheaton, IL. Paper: "Anthropology and Christology in Karl Rahner."
  • April 20-21, 1979, ETS-MW, Deerfield, IL. Paper: "Schleiermacher's Test for Truth: Dialogue in the Church.?
  • March 27-28, 1981, ETS-MW, Chicago, IL. Paper: "Moderate Catholicism: Justification in Michael Schmaus."
  • March 26-27, 1982, ETS-MW, Chicago, IL. Paper: "Inductive Logic: The Methodology of Biblical Theology."
  • October 21-23, 1982, Wheaton Philosophy Conference. Paper: "An Optimistic Response to Professor Thiselton."
  • November 10-13, 1982, International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, Summit II, Chicago, IL. Paper: "Philosophical Presuppositions Affecting Biblical Hermeneutics."
  • December 16-18, 1982, ETS, Essex Fells, NJ. Panel moderator: "The Word of God and the Mind of Man."
    --and-- Panel member: "Where are we today concerning biblical criticism and the evangelical?"
  • April 8, 1983, Trinity Philosophy of Religion Conference, Deerfield, Il. "The Dalai Lama and I: A Case for Natural Theology."
  • April 15-16, 1983, ETS-MW, Upland, IN. Chair's address: "Saying Yes to Reality: Interaction with Hans Kueng's Proposal."
  • March 8-10, 1984, Society of Christian Philosophers, South Bend, IN. Paper: "Variations on a Theme by Hegel: The Transcendental Argument for God."
  • April 6-7, 1984. ETS-MW, Deerfield, IL. Paper: "Athens or Vienna: A Question on Thiselton's Hermeneutics."
  • Dec. 11-13, 1984. Evangelical Philosophical Society (hereafter: EPS). Chicago, IL. Paper: "Variations on a Theme by Hegel: The Transcendental Argument for God."
  • Nov. 20-22, 1985. EPS. Los Angeles, CA. Presidential Address: "In Defense of Kant."
  • Dec. 3-5, 1987. EPS. South Hamilton, MA. Paper: "Mysticism: Some Tentative Conclusions."
  • Apr. 8-9, 1988. ETS-MW, Upland, IN Paper: "Mysticism: Is There a Pernennial Philosophy?"
  • Apr. 6-7, 1990. Society of Christian Philosophers, Eastern Region. Miami, FL. Paper: "Mysticism and the Argument from Unanimity."
  • Nov. 14-17, 1990. EPS. New Orleans, LA. Paper: "Meister Eckhart and the Paradox of Good Works."
  • Nov. 19-21, 1992. EPS. San Francisco, CA. Paper: "A Hair's Breadth from Pantheism: In Defense of Christian Mysticism."
  • Nov. 18-20, 1993. EPS. Washington, DC. Paper: "Reason in Three Beguines."
  • March, 1994. ETS-MW. Wheaton, IL. Paper: "Truth Fraud: Response to Lesslie Newbigin."
  • Mar. 16-18, 1995. ETS-MW. St. Paul, MN. Paper: "God as Cow: Meister Eckhart's Reflections on Theological Method."
  • Nov. 16-18, 1995. EPS. Philadelphia, PA. Paper: "The Date of Zarathustra."
  • Mar. 22-23, 1996. ETS-MW. Fort Wayne, IN. Chair's Address: "Three Glimpses of God."
  • Nov. 21-23, 1996. ETS. Jackson, MS. Paper: "God in Us: Meister Eckhart and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit."
  • Nov. 20-22, 1997. ETS. Santa Clara, CA. Paper: "General Revelation in World Religions."
  • Mar. 20-21, 1998. ETS-MW. Grand Rapids, MI. Paper: "Asking the Right Questions about Religious Inclusivism."
  • Nov. 19-21, 1998. ETS and EPS, Orlando, FL. Papers: "Appearances are Deceiving: Medieval Mysticism and Asian Mysticism"
    --and-- "Teaching World Religions: Strategies and Pitfalls."
  • Nov. 17-19, 1999 ETS, Boston, MA. Papers: "On Maintaining the Value of Pi: What Evangelicals Can Contribute to Interreligious Interaction"
    --and-- "When He Comes: Messiahs in Other Religions."
  • Nov. 15-17, 2000. Society for the Study of Alternative Religions, meeting with ETS, Nashville, TN. Paper: "How Many Christs? A Modal Analysis."
  • Mar. 23-24, 2001. ETS-MW, Winona Lake, IN. Paper: "Hare Jesus? Making Worship Christian"
  • Nov. 14-16, 2001. Society for the Study of Alternative Religions, meeting with ETS, Colorado Spring, CO. Paper: "The Bible and Other Scriptures: Fundamental Incompatibility."
  • February 21-23, 2002. Evangelical Ministries to new Religions, Louisville, KY. Paper: "Breaking Down Categories: Soka Gakkai as Case Study."
  • March 22-23, 2002. ETS-MW. Paper: "God in the Early Twenty-first Century: A Preliminary Status Report."
  • November 20-22, 2002. Society for the Study of Alternative Religions, meeting with ETS, Toronto, Canada. Paper: "Bashful Pluralism: Why it does not help."
  • January 24, 2003. Evangelical Ministries to new Religions, LaMirada, CA. Paper: "God in the Early Twenty-first Century: Ayodhya as Test Case."
  • February 21, 2003. Fort Wayne Area Dean's Conference, Fort Wayne, IN. Paper with Nicholas S. Corduan: "For the Meaning of Life Click Here."
  • Nov. 21-23, 2003. ETS. Atlanta, GA. Paper: "Jesus, the Avatar I Never Knew."
  • Nov. 17-19, 2004. ETS. San Antonio, TX. Paper: "Strategic Ambiguity: Truth in the Bhagavad Gita."
  • Nov. 16-18, 2005. ETS. Valley Forge, PA. Paper: "Beyond Karma: Sin in Hinduism."
    --and-- joint paper with Jim Spiegel: "Humility in Christianity and Islam."
  • June 9-10, 2006. International Society of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: ISCA). Charlotte, NC. Founding meeting of this new organization. Was elected webmaster and editor of the on-line journal. Paper: "Words for Grace in Hinduism."
  • July 28-29. "No Other Gods" Conference." Resource Center for Theological Research and Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Middletown, PA. Presentations: "Hindu Temple Worship" and "The Elusive Identity of the Buddha."
  • Nov. 15-17, 2006. ETS. Washington, D.C Paper: "Diwali: The White House's Gift to the Hindu Community."
  • June 2-3, 2007. ISCA. Kansas City, MO. Plenary Paper: In the Beginning: Ethnology and Original Monotheism."
  • January 8, 2008. Indiana Wesleyan University Mid-year Retreat. Presentation: "Apologetics in the Twenty-first Century: What Must be Changed and What May not be Changed."
  • May 8-11, 2008. Jackson, Tenessee. Plenary Paper: Words and Meanings: Can Hindu Concepts Address Western Questions?
  • May 30, 2008. American College of Sports Medicine.Christian Fellowship Subsection. Presentation: "The Uniqueness of Christianity."
  • June, 2008, ISCA. Lynchburg Virginia. Plenary Address: "Being, Non-being, and God: Christian Apologetics and Hindu Philosophy.
  • March, 2009, ISCA. Chicago. Presidential Address: "God as Cow: A Third Look at Bovine Theology and Atheology."

Bible Literature Courses
  • Bible Literature I--Old Testatment Survey
  • Bible Literature II--New Testament Survey

Theology Courses

  • Historic Christian Belief
  • Special Topics: Recent Theology
  • Special Topics: The Church
  • Special Topics: Readings in Religious History
  • Special Topics: Christianity and Religious Pluralism

Philosophy Courses

  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • History of Philosophy (single, two-course, and four-course sequence)
  • Logic
  • Ethics
  • Metaphysics
  • Contemporary Christian Belief (Apologetics)
  • Religions of the World--Western Traditions
  • Religions of the World--Eastern Traditions
  • Special Topics: Mysticism
  • Special Topics: Existentialism
  • Special Topics: Theories of Truth

  • International Society of Christian Apologetics, 2006-
    ---Offices held -------------Webmaster, 2006- -------------President, 2008-
  • American Philosophical Association, 1977-2005
  • Society of Christian Philosophers, 1981-
  • Evangelical Theological Society, 1977-
    ---Offices held in the midwestern section:
    --------Secretary/Treasurer, 1980-81.
    --------Vicechair, 1981-82; 1994-95.
    --------Chair, 1982-83; 1995-96.
  • Evangelical Philosophical Society
    --------Secretary/Treasurer, 1982-83.
    --------Vicepresident, 1983-84
    --------President, 1984-85.

  • 1996-2003 Curriculum Management Committee
  • 1987-90 Faculty Personnel Committee (Chair, 1988-90)
  • 1985-86 Subcommittee on Contingency Planning
  • 1985-86 Task Force on Academic Restructuring
  • 1983-86 Educational Policies Committee (Chair, 1984-86)
  • 1983-86 Subcommittee on General Education
  • 1983-84 Committee for Action on General Education
  • 1980-82 Faculty Personnel Committee
  • 1978-81 Faculty Development Team
  • 1978-80 Spiritual Life Committee

  • 1993-present Ministry of pulpit supply and music.
  • 1991-93 Pastor, Gilead Church, Pennville, IN
  • 1984-91 Ministry of pulpit supply and musical ministry (partially through Taylor Christian Artists)
  • 1981-84 Pastor, Union Chapel Community Church, Summitville, IN, ordained October, 1981